Magic Kingdom Construction: What’s up in the hub?

It seems like a long time since the Magic Kingdom was free of walls and cranes and in fact, it has been a good while. People visiting the Kingdom over the past couple of weeks may have noticed even more green walls, cardboard cutouts, and latticework has gone up. What exactly is going on? We’re detailing the construction and what you can expect on your vacation in the Magic Kingdom.

Though its actual name is the Central Plaza, the center of the Magic Kingdom in front of Cinderella Castle is often called the “hub” because the park is a hub and spoke design. The hub consists of the circle of walkways, gardens, seating areas, and streets in the circular center of the park. Last year, Walt Disney World announced that they were expanding the hub and the walls went up. Eventually, the hub will look like this:

Hub Redesign

The old hub consisted of that inner ring of street and one ring of walkway. The expansion adds another ring of walkway, removes some of the waterway, and modifies the castle forecourt.

Currently, the walkways in front of The Plaza and Casey’s corner are complete, and the gardens that will be in front of those areas (circled below) are under construction.


Beginning in late February, Wishes Fastpass+ viewing will move to these gardens (circled above). Last week, the first of the walls went up in the center of the hub and the Partners statute was enclosed to begin work there.

Hub Construction

Hub Construction-10

The walkway now goes only in the street in front of the stage or through the center of the circle. The walkways on either side leading to Tomorrowland and Adventureland are also half walled off.

Hub Construction-5

Hub Construction-4

And, on either side of the street, temporary structures have been built.

Hub Construction-7

Construction continues in front of Tomorrowland Terrace as well, and the crane and some scrims are still visible on Main Street.

When will it all be back to “normal”? The good news is that the crane will go very soon as the Dream Light removal ends and the large scrim on the front of Uptown Jewelers will not be up for long, either. As for the walls, they could be around a good while longer as concrete is replaced, walkways are widened, and the castle forecourt stage is remodeled. Things are going to get worse before they get better, so plan to find a good friend who knows photoshop.

Keep checking the back for updates and be sure to watch our Facebook page as details develop.










One thought on “Magic Kingdom Construction: What’s up in the hub?”

  1. When this is complete, I hope the blocking pathways with ropes to herd all guests in a small line into the park stops. When we were there last week at the park opening, we were all herded into one line, which was terrifying for me with my 5 year old grandson. I was slammed into by strollers and nearly separated for him several times. When I asked why they would do that I was told it was a controlled walk so people wouldn’t run to the dwarves mine train. Can’t they just control the running and NOT punish the rest of us? I’m so over their herding us like cattle.

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